Sorry to those who read my blog. I promise to get better. I'm sure once I have a newborn baby to tend to I'll have tons more time to write on my blog...right. ;-)
Life has been good. I daily pinch myself to check and make sure that this life I'm currently living is real. I have everything I could need and want and SO much MORE!! ;-) The one sadness of my life is living out in the boonies in a small one bedroom because I didn't want to be isolated and I really wanted Eli to be able to have a room of his own, for all our sake. ;-) But that sadness will be resolved in 5 short weeks. We'll be moving again, we are pretty much making it a science, to Laguna Hills into a beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment complete with a yard, plentiful walking/stroller trails, an amazing location to everything including our church ;-) and all the latest convienances, and Eli not only gets his own room but his own bathroom as well. Depending on how long we stay there it will come in handy when he starts potty training. ;-)
Pregnancy is an amazing thing. I live my life and my belly continues to grow, wow! Everything has been progressing normally so far, and at each one of my doctor's appointments there has been no red flags or concerns, which considering my history I am SOOO thankful for. I definitely never dreamed everything would go so well, but don't forget to pray for the growing Gallucci family because people continue to tell me that I am just about to enter the most difficult road, the dreaded third trimester. Da, da, da, da... As I have thus far I am planning on focusing on one day at a time, getting through Monday joyfully and successfully before setting my sights to Tuesday, especially regarding work. I love my job very much, but it is easy to start getting worried about whether or not I'll be able to make it until 3 weeks before the baby's born, which is the plan. We shall see, but just as Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us TODAY our DAILY bread." And another one of my favorites, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Blessings!! ;-)
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