One of the techniques I learned was to take deep breathes for about 30 seconds, focusing solely on breathing in and out. Everytime a thought enters your mind, make it leave. Next picture a scene in your mind, while you continue your deep breathing, that makes you very happy. Focus intently how you felt while you were there.
Maybe it was the day your husband asked you to marry him. Maybe it was the day you got your first puppy dog. Maybe it was the day you brought home your first child. Maybe it's a favorite place, the ocean, the mountains, the desert.
Picture the scene and how you felt for at least 30 seconds.
I haven't tried it enough to know if how well it works, but I say it's worth a try. ;-) Why not try it right now? ;-)
Stress is incredibly bad for you. Let it go. I know I'm trying.
That's great! I remember doing that very thing when I was in labor with my children. I know that sounds crazy...but for the most part, I wasn't screaming and voicing my pain out loud, I tried (sometimes w/out success!) to focus on peaceful places and experiences, while taking deep cleansing breaths, just as you mentioned, and it helped me SO much! So I know that doing this during stressful times has got to be help, too. I just didn't think of it in this scenerio. So you can bet that I will be trying this out...because I am a THINKER, and a deep one at that! So it is very easy for my mind to keep going and get off on tangents, and it's almost endless and seemingly impossible to shut down at times...especially when I'm trying to fall asleep. And needless to say, that combination doesn't work out too well...thus, a lot of tired mornings!! But this technique just may work...SO, thanks for the post!! :) I know that when Jesus had to think ~ I mean REALLY think and focus ~ He would go into the wilderness to pray...a place where he was surrounded by nature and not distracted by his surroundings or where He could be interrupted. So this really does seem like it has a scriptural backing to it, as well!
God bless!! <><
Thank you, I will try that!
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