Thursday, November 5, 2009

Moving Day

Good Afternoon... ;-)
It is currently 2:57, and I am already exhausted. Not trying to think of the gigantic day looming before us. At 1 PM today Joe picked up our U-haul and began loading it with all the things from our condo we had packed from the night before. I am hoping that everything will fit in our new place, but it doesn't look very promising. ;-) We will load up the truck and bring it down to our new cabin where we will begin unloading. Because I'm pregnant I don't have to do any lifting ;-) so depending on how fast the loading goes I may just be a cheerleader for awhile. ;-)
I turned 16 weeks yesterday and the pregnancy email said the baby will double in size in the next few weeks...woo hoo. I wonder how many more clothes I can grow out of by that time. ;-) If any one has some cute clothes that would fit a rounder Hayley pass them my way. I can't stand shopping. ;-(


ShutterSpeed said...

Ha Ha! Thanks for sharing, I love hearing of your "adventures."

Carrie said...

Hayley! I think moving to the woods sounds awesome. :) Do you have a new email address? We were wanting to send you something, but your address bounced back. Thought you might have changed in your move.