Have you seen this movie? It is a powerful example of the power of love, the inevitability of time, and the way that certain things in life are impossible to change.
We are all dying, slipping closer to the grave with each gasping breath. You can’t escape death. You are walking down the dark tunnel towards your last heartbeat whether you think about it or not.
Are you prepared? Are you living your life in light of eternity? Are you spending your days pursuing things that will last? Are you making the most of the days that you have been given, no matter how short?
I regret to recount that I cannot always answer yes to these questions. I have the tendency to live without reflection. To focus on tasks and to do lists instead of the magical quality of each passing day.
Life is beautiful. The tragic and moving film with that title is yet another reminder of the brevity of life.
Why aren’t we given longer? I don’t know, but I do know that it is something we cannot control. You need to be ready when your time comes, and in the meantime, live dynamically. Today is all you have. Live it well…
1 comment:
At first, I did not appreciate the depth of the movie. I thought it was a good storyline with charismatic performances. My wife opened my eyes to the deep meaning behind the tale, the acceptance of aging and how it is actually a beautiful thing. Within Christianity, death is merely crossing a river. The River Jordan seperates us from the Promised Land and I felt that Mr. Button helped remind me of that truth. All of us must live life and should live it well. It is never too late to change the course!
What a beautiful message.
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