Friday, May 29, 2009

How do you love?

We have been going through The Five Love Languages with our small group. It's quite interesting. If you've never had a chance to take the test to determine what love lnguage you are, go here to take the test online: Your score will automatically be tabulated, and you will be able to see how many points you recieved for each of the five love languages.

1. The first love language is quality time. For me, this one is a tie for second place. If this is your highest, if your spouse or significant other wants to show you their love, they must show you through their time. Going to the movies, playing a game, or taking a walk on the beach with your significant other are the kinds of things you need.
2. The second love language is physical touch. If this is your highest love language (it's mine ;-), this means that to feel loved you need physical contact. Hugging, cuddling, kissing, these are the kinds of things you crave to feel connected to someone.

3. The third love language is acts of service. If you run highest on this love language (my husband Joe does), it means that your special someone needs to do things for you to show their love for you. A homemade meal, folded laundry, a clean car, these are kinds of things that fill your love tank.

4. The next love language is words of affirmation (the other one that I'm tied with for second place). This means you need others to express through their words how special you are to them. Words of praise for who you are, what you do, and what you bring to the table are the kinds of things you seek.

5. The final love language is recieving gifts. Thankfully, my husband is low on this love language because I'm weakest at giving this love language. If this is your strongest language, it means you need gifts to feel loved. Small trinkets, meals out, necklaces, a new watch, these are the kinds of things that fill your love tank.

Why should you and I care about all this?
Everyone has one or more love languages they are strongest in, meaning that they need these things to feel loved. Everyone also has one or more love language that are easiest for them to give.
Problems can result when, for example, the love language your husband needs is acts of service, but you are really good and continue to give him physical touch and words of affirmation. Even though you shouldn't stop doing these things, it would be wise to find ways you can serve him so that he will feel loved. Your husband and your relationship will thank you.

So take the test and make sure your significant other does as well. Talk about the things that make each of you feel loved. Take notes of the ways you can love your significant other and then start working to fill his or her love tank.

A stronger relationship will most likely result.

1 comment:

ShutterSpeed said...

Your thoughts are awe-inspiring, thank you for sharing them and keep it up!