Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Stakes are High

I have had the opportunity to help a couple that is 86 and 88 years old this week. Their daughter usually cares for them but went on vacation. I do small chores for them, make them meals, and listen.
It is always inspiring to listen to people who have truly left a legacy. Their three children are happily married, and their children's children are married and have children. It is so fun to sit and listen to them talk about their family.
It is truly a beautiful thing to see how God designed the family. I shake my head at the people who believe that we can change what a family looks like, God's design for a family, and then completely ignore the problems that result. Divorce, single parent households, same sex parent households... all these things are extremely difficult and sometimes completely disastrous for those involved, especially the children. If you aren't convinced, I think the first step is to take time talking with the children who live in one of these households. If they're honest, I assure you that the majority are not perfectly okay with the arrangement. A part of them bleeds in their desire for a "normal" family. Sadly, it's becoming more and more difficult to find these families.
It's curious to speak with my new friends, born in the 1920's who don't understand twitter, facebook, or the rampant destruction of the family that is occurring in the world today.
I listened to a tape by Dr. Dobson recently, and he claimed that our society was morally disintegrating, and the number one reason he believed, hands down, was the decay of the family. He had a ton of statistics to back up his claim, and it was very interesting.
I looked up marriage in biblegateway, and this is the first verse I found.
Malachi 2:16, "I hate divorce," says the God of Israel. God-of-the-Angel-Armies says, "I hate the violent dismembering of the 'one flesh' of marriage." So watch yourselves. Don't let your guard down. Don't cheat."
I don't think God thinks our current family problems are funny. Be careful. Don't rush into marriage. The stakes are high.

1 comment:

ShutterSpeed said...

That is so moving...thank you for sharing that with me.